Samsara App Marketplace

Entdecken Sie das größte Ökosystem schlüsselfertiger Integrationen, die entwickelt wurden, um Ihre wichtigen Anwendungen von Drittanbietern mit Samsara zu betreiben, um die Leistungsfähigkeit verbundener Lösungen mit Echtzeitdaten für Ihre physischen Operationen freizusetzen.


Connect Samsara source of truth data directly through Hiboo, the leading multi-brand solution equipment and CO2 data platform.

Toll Tally

Toll Tally

Instantly calculate tolls from GPS tracks to include tolls in your customer billing, driver reimbursements, rental or lease agreement.



Optimize warehouse administration, freight handling, and logistics management with C-Logistics TMS

NCR PowerYard

NCR PowerYard

Reduce gate time for arriving and departing vehicles with alerts and bolster reporting accuracy on trailer contents and current location

Optimum Fleet Health

Ingest Samsara telematics data to detect unforeseen vehicle issues before failure and get an actionable resolution plan.



Public transit agencies can utilize Swiftly to improve service reliability, passenger security, and operational efficiency



Connect with Zego to share driving data and unlock savings of up to 15% on your insurance.



Optimieren Sie den Flottenbetrieb mit GPS-Navigation für Lkw und leichte Nutzfahrzeuge, die direkt über die Samsara Driver App gestartet werden kann.

Marsh Insurance

Marsh Insurance

Share aggregated vehicle trip and safety data with Marsh.



Sync odometer and DVIRs with Cetaris to streamline fleet maintenance.

Wise Systems

Wise Systems combines unparalleled ease of use with a powerful back end to ensure the perfect delivery experience for everyone in the process.

Ford Pro

Ford Pro

Bring manufacturer-grade vehicle data from Ford into Samsara’s centralized fleet management platform, no hardware installation needed.

Holman (formerly ARI)

Holman (formerly ARI)

Integrate core telematics data from Samsara with Holman to streamline your operations and manage costs across your fleet.

CNH Industrial SiteWatch

CNH Industrial SiteWatch

Bring manufacturer-grade construction equipment data from Case New Holland (CNH Industrial) SiteWatch telematics platform into Samsara’s Connected Operations Cloud, no hardware installation needed.